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Question STYLENANDA CS 17.07.12

We apologize about this but our sales and marketing team usually takes down item if its sales invoice did not reach certain level or quota. It is true that it might be really popular to international customers however it is also possible that the percentage of the people who purchase it is below threshold.

We hope that you can find better deals from our other products.

Best regards,

[ Original Message ]

In my last post, I got a response which included the following:

"If you’re inquiring about old items, I’m sorry but they may not be available for our international customers due to various reasons.
In most cases, they’re taken down because they’re low in stock and no longer produced."

Why are they not available to international customers, when we have high interest in these items? I noticed everything I wanted to purchase was gone except for the KKXX Patch Detail Striped Zip-Up Jacket, which is still out of stock and I'm going to guess that it'll also be taken down?



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